Monday, August 14, 2017

Camping is the life for me!

Hey guys!

Get a drink and sit back...this could take awhile.

I am camping!
Right now as we speak I am sitting at my table, waiting for my coffee to get here, while Brayden gets ready for his first day of swimming lessons.  So I thought I should catch up with all of you while I pass the time.  And it sure is a time passer!  Campground wi-fi leaves a lot to be desired!

Onto the first picture which only took 10 minutes to upload. Ha!  Good thing I have all week.

Halloween Rules - I finally finished the first block!  I just love how cute it is.

Remy Rabbit - Finished the red on the stocking.  Not much left to go now.

Hannah Lynn - started up the next row.

Steotchalong - Finished the main part.  Now I have to choose from 16 different possibilities for the bottom.  I am pretty sure it is either going to say "The King of the North" or "Dumbledore's Army"

Joyful World SAL - Finished all the green stitching.

Cars - added 3 more movies worth of stitching to this.  It was only supposed to be 2 movies worth but I guess I can't tell the difference between a movie from 1994 and one from 2016.  Ha!  The movies for the Stitcher's Film Club this month were Labyrinth and The Jungle Book (2016).  I started with Labyrinth which I had never seen and I am a little angry that my parents didn't show it to me as a kid.  We had seen everything else Jim Henson had a hand in so I am not sure why this one slipped through the cracks.  

My most favorite Jim Henson movie is A Muppet Family Christmas where all the muppets go to Fozzie's mother's house and Miss Piggy gets stuck in the snowstorm and Kermit finds the Fraggles.  The best!  I found it on youtube if you are in a Christmas movie mood - 

My second and third movies for the month were both The Jungle Book.  My boys were hogging the tv so I figured I would just watch it online.  Quick search and there we go.  I had watched half of it when my sister came for a visit and I knew she had watched it so I asked her what she thought about it.  She was raving about the young boy in it and the special effects.  I was shocked she was so impressed with the special effects as I hadn't noticed any and then I asked her when the animals start talking and she quickly figured out we had not watched the same movie.  I was watching the 1994 version, none the wiser.  And really it has held up pretty well over the last 20 years.  So once I finished the first one I told the boys we were all going to watch a movie and got the proper one playing and I loved it!  Christopher Walkin as King Louie was so good!  And Bill Murray was the perfect Baloo.  

And now a few pictures of my babies.

This is the only picture I have of Thomas recently and while his mouth is blue and his pose is a little awkward it is all I got.  Him and Monty are slowly coming to some sort of understanding. I really hadn't thought through a 4 year old and a maniac puppy.

This is from Brayden's last day of soccer for the year.

This one is his 8th birthday picture!  That's right I am now mom to an 8 year old!  We spent his day yesterday hanging around the campground and last night he chose a round of mini golf and cheeseburgers for supper.  Perfect way to spend the day turning 8!

Well I hope this takes you all less time to read than it did for me to write it.  Ha!

Happy Stitching!  


  1. Thanks so much! And they do grow way too fast!

  2. I'm glad you are enjoying camping and getting so much stitching done.

  3. Beautiful stitching and very handsome boys! The puppy is so cute. I love boxers, I hope you are or have enjoyed your camping trip.

    1. Thanks so much! We just got back home this morning and I can hardly wait for bedtime tonight! Ha!

  4. First off, your boys are so cute! I didn't know about the Steotchalong Sal and I might just start in on it. The 16 options are definitely tough to choose from, it makes me want to stitch more than one.

    1. Awe thanks Felicia! Isn't Steotchalong cool?! I have decided to add King of the North on mine because Jon Snow... hubba hubba!! Haha! You should look up Steotch's facebook group. It is called Steotchalongers. People are stitching up some really awesome variations!

  5. Very nice pictures! Thank you for sharing!
    Canada??? I love Canada!!!

    1. Thanks AnaCristina! And I love that you love Canada :) Have you ever been? If not you should come!

    2. Yes. I have gone to Canada in April and May 2015. It was just eight days but I loved it!! I have stayed in Toronto, Montreal and Niagara Falls! Oh my God! I loved Niagara! I would like to go latter. Sorry about my English! It isn't very good! LOL
      What city do you live?

    3. I think your English is great! I have never been to Niagara but would love to! I live in Prince Edward Island. You will have to come here next time you come to Canada :)

  6. Lots of stitching! It looks great!!
