Saturday, November 29, 2014
carrie acutally
I found an interesting new to me blog, carrie actually. She has a little cross stitch on there but she also has some interesting posts on using facebook and instagram and such as a way of promoting your business, if you have one. She knew a lot of little things about facebook that I had no clue of. She is also a consultant for Jamberry, which I think is just the coolest product ever! If it wasn't Christmas season and I had some extra bucks I would be buying some right now! Go check her out!
Small Micheal's haul
I had a good trip to Micheal's the other day. I got a scrapbook case for 3.99 and they are regualar 9.99, some floss to make some Christmas ornaments and some Halloween ribbon to finish off my Halloween Town.
All this ribbon was in a $1.00 bin!
And here is my 8x8 Q-snap to show how big this case it. My mom and my sister also bought me a case for Christmas. I think they will be awesome to store wips in.
I am almost done of this pattern page of Cars. Hopefully I will get it done this week.
My boys!
Brayden helping shovel out the back of the truck. He is such a good help and he is always doing something. I don't think we shoveled off the front steps at all last winter, he was out there as soon as the snow stopped every time... some times even before the snow stopped. I hope little brother enjoys helping as much as big brother does.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
20% off entire purchase at The Frosted Pumpkin
If you were thinking about purchasing a Frosted Pumpkin pattern or two or three... now is the time to do so. Until December 3,2014 use the code THANKS when checking out to get a 20% discount on your entire order! The new Christmas Celebration Sampler is pretty hard to say no to.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Racing right along
Here's my co-pilot, and you can see big brother in the back, intently working on building something.
This is my progress on Cars. I was watching a youtube video (you need to check this guy out, he is hilarious!) and he called parked threads Willie Nelson's braid. This is a pretty straggly braid since I am doing this 1 over 1, this is more like balding Willie Nelson, with some age spots/stains on the right there.
Like this:
Row1 Row2 Row3 Row 4
So I go from the bottom of row 1 to the top then start at the bottom of row 2 and go to the top and so on. I also read somewhere that you shouldn't stop in a straight line or it will show when it is finished so when I get to the last stitch in a row I will go into the next row if that same color continues on.
Anyway once I get to the top of this row I only have 3 more rows than this page will be done and I will be 1/6th of the way done of this whole project. Yay me ?!? Still a lot of stitching left on this one.
I hope everyone is getting some stitching in today and I am sending good stitching vibes to all of you.
Happy Stitching!
Friday, November 21, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014
A little Cars update
I spent most of the last week working on this, and Brayden sure is happy to watch this grow. But it is terribly boring. So much brown! I just keep telling myself this will be a lot more fun when get into all the different colors of the cars later on. One stitch at a time. :)
I hope everyone had lovely stitchy weekends and Monday isn't being too hard on you.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Dance Party!
We are dancing the days away. Thomas will stop whatever he is doing when he hears a tune he likes.
I finished page 10 of my bunnies.Last night at stitching one of the ladies kindly taught us how to make these little snowflake ornaments on perforated paper. I think she even designed it herself! It was so much fun to do and I was able to try some new things, stitching on perforated paper and beading. I enjoyed beading and love how it turned out but I don't think there will be a lot of beading in my future. The needles are as long as my arm and as pointy as a cactus. I pricked myself so hard that when I pulled my hand away the needle stayed in it. Ouch! But I can't wait to hang this on my Christmas tree this year!! And I am totally counting this as a finish.
Brayden was so happy when he got home from school today because I started working on the next page of his Cars cross stitch. This is what it looked like that last time I worked on it.
And this is what it looks like now. This is page 6 of 36. I can't wait to get up higher and start using some colors besides brown.
I am working so close to the Q-Snap because the fabric pretty well ends where the picture cuts off. I started this one before I knew how big to cut my fabric and I am frugal (haha cheap is probably a better word) so waste not want not!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day full of stitches!Monday, November 10, 2014
Cross Stitch Chat
I just got done having a cross stitch chat with a wonderful woman from FlossTube, which is cross stitching videos on YouTube. It was like skype but on YouTube. Here is her channel. I think you have to have a Google+ account to join the chat and all you need to do is comment on the live video and she will send you an invite and then you just chat and stitch away. It is free and it was super easy to use. She is planning on having another one Saturday and Sunday so if you have nothing to do and want to have a little stitchin over the computer you should check it out. If you don't want to be videoed (because the chat is uploaded to her channel for anyone to see) you can just watch the chat live and stitch along silently haha.
Almost there
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Little Red Riding Hood!
Monday, November 3, 2014
We had a great time trick-or-treating and are still coming down off the sugar high. Here is my little skunk and Super Mario.
A little bit of progress on my bunniesAnd Little Red Riding Hood. How cute is she? Brayden told me he "accidentally" put highlighter on this. See the little blue mark below 2014. I am really! hoping that washes out. REALLY hoping!
I hope everyone had fun on Halloween and happy stitching!
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