Well hello again!
It was super busy my first holiday season at work and I got way behind in my blogging so I am trying to play catch up.
Please just pretend like it is still November and humor me while I pretend like I am not 2 months behind on my
So here is my jar. This picture wasn't taken on November 18th but I hadn't been doing any stitching at all so this is exactly what my jar looked like on November 18th.
And here are the projects that contributed to the jar:
Mothers And Daughters by The Victoria Sampler - My goal was to finish the rest of the verse I am close to doing so, only two more lines after this one. New goal will be to finish that verse once and for all and maybe 1 more band after that.
Larry Lion by Brooke's Books - My goal was to finish him and as you can see he isn't. New goal is finish him! And get the next one at least half finished.
ABC Christmas by LizzieKate - Apparently I didn't make a goal for this one last month but since I was trying to finish one word each month I am going to say that was my goal. And I did finish the word but not the little bit of evergreen branches that go next to it. New goal - finish this word and the next one.
Hannah Lynn by Hannah Lynn from Heaven and Earth Designs - My goal was to add 1000 stitches and while I didn't really keep track I am pretty sure I added about 600. New goal - same as last month, 1000 stitches.
Halloween Rules by LizzieKate - My goal was to finish block 4 and 5. That was lofty since I still haven't finished the third block! New goal - finish block 3 and 4
Deepest Love by Mirabilia - My goal was to finish her tail. That did not happen. And more than likely won't happen next month either because since this picture was taken I found a booboo. A big booboo. This chart has 3 different blended thread colors and what I usually do if I run out of symbols to stitch but still have blended thread left on my needles is I will neatly wind it up and stick it on my fabric and then write the symbols on my chart in order of needle left to right on my fabric. Well somehow I mixed two blended threads up. I know, shocking with my method of keeping track of them! <- sarcasm So you see on this part below how it goes white, light green, whitesh then darker green? Well the light green and the whitesh are backwards. And sadly that isn't the only section I messed up on. New goal - fix my booboo.

So that's all folks. Work has slowed down to a snails pace so I am back to regular stitching I think. And I will hopefully be back soon with a finish post and another TUSAL.
Happy Stitching!