Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The last hoorah of summer 2017

Hello again!

We had our last camping trip of the summer last weekend.  We went to the Dundas Plow Match which we have been doing for the last 4 years.  Brayden loves it!  Thomas finds it completely boring.  They couldn't be any more opposite.  

Here is my Tom showing off his new hat.

And here are the boys doing the "Piggy Swat".  They used to use real pigs and the kids would hold a feed bag to herd them into the little building without actually touching the pig but you know how things are and someone decided that it was inhumane to the pig.  So now the kids have a pink ball with face drawn on it and a fly swatter to swat the "pig" into the building.  They still had fun so that is all the matters.

Mr. Monty was along for the weekend too.

Since Thomas wasn't enjoying the fair as much as his brother we spent a lot of time in the camper relaxing and I got quite a bit of stitching done.

Here is Deepest Love.  I almost finished her tail!

I also got quite a bit stitched on The Joyful World SAL.

Remy Rabbit only needs his gingerbread man finished and backstitching.  Another day should finish him up.

Yesterday I finished another word on ABC Christmas "Ornament".

Here is the whole project so far.

Well that is all the news I have to share.  Except that I am knee deep searching for a job.  I have applied to a few so everyone keep your fingers crossed that I find a good one!

Happy Stitching!


  1. Hoping you find a job fast.. Love the progress xxx Beautiful work :)

  2. Hi Khristine!
    The fair sounds interesting! I thought the children having a ball to swat was an interesting choice for replacing the actual pig and feedbag. At the same time, I'm not sure what children would learn from doing either. Maybe it was meant to be a city kid experience type of thing? Anyways.
    I love all your stitching!! I need to knuckle down and do some of mine too. But you have so many WIPs! And I like the idea of working on a little section on each one too.
    Job hunting is totally ick but I hope it goes well for you and that it's a quick process *cross fingers*

    1. Yes I think it was a city kid experience. And you are completely correct, nothing learnt at all. :)
      Thank you for your crossed fingers and kind words about my stitching :) Still job hunting so keep those fingers crossed!
