Sunday, February 19, 2017

So much for all those years of skating lessons


I hope you are all well!

I went skating for the first time in 15 years yesterday found out that skating is not at all like I remember it.  It was really hard.  I am not entirely sure I want to do it again.  But the boys had fun so I probably will.

I won a giveaway from Crazy Annie's Stitchin.  They are having a monthly wish list giveaway for something under $20 from your wishlist.  There is a survey/questionnaire link that you have to fill out and I haven't been able to find it on their site but I did message them and as soon as I find out where it is I will share the link so any of you who want to can sign up.  And if you don't want to sign up you should still go check out Crazy Annie's, they have great prices!

This is the link to sign up for the wishlist giveaway - Wishlist survey and don't forget to go visit Crazy Annie's Stitchin bonanza site, the link is above, and sign up and make a wishlist.  If your wishlist is empty they can't pick anything from it to send to you... 

I added a few more stitches to The Gift by Blackberry Lane.  I have the bottom pretty much all done, all I have left is the lamb, the border and the verse.

I am about 80 stitches away from a page finish on Cars and I am going to finish it today come hell or high water!

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Stitching!


  1. Looking good! I know you will finish the page! Lovin' the progress on all of them. Thank you for the link to Crazy Annie's Stitching. Happy Stitching!

  2. Thanks for the shout out about our wish list giveaway Khristine. Appreciate it. You have a lovely blog and some great stitching. Glad you enjoyed receiving the stocking from Shepherd's Bush you had on your wish list. You never know you might win again someday. :)

    1. You are more than welcome! The least I could do for picking my name :) I can't wait to stitch my stocking, I hope to collect more of them. And I didn't realize I could win again! That is wonderful :) Thanks so much!
