Monday, January 18, 2016

Little boys and black Sharpies

Hello everyone!

Pretty slack day yesterday on Little Wings.  We were busy most of the day and when I finally sat down yesterday evening I noticed a black mark on my fabric.  Made by a 2 year old and a black Sharpie... I was not a happy camper.  My boyfriend works with sheet metal so black Sharpies are pretty common in my house.  When I find them I put them up high but they are the choice writing utensil for my 6 year old so they sometimes wander into the living room and yesterday Thomas found one and had a ball.  The only good thing was it was one mark that looked like this ^, so I got out the Orvus Paste, which is actually horse shampoo or so I am told, and got to work.  I think I was pretty successful. 

You can just barely see where it was.  So all is not lost!  I will be on high alert for Sharpies from now on!

So since Little Wings was wet I decided to have a new start to make me feel better.  Do you remember a couple weeks ago when I said I was dying fabric for a new start?  Well if you do this is that fabric.  It is the Joyful World Freebie from The Snowflower Diaries.  I didn't order the threads that were called for, I am just using some threads I already had and I am happy with how they look.  This is such a cute design, you should all go check it out!

Lost fabric update : 
I was to the post office this morning to file a lost mail report.  They gave me a phone number and the report has now been filed and if they find the fabric I should hear back in 2 weeks.  If not I guess my next step is to get Paypal involved.

Fingers crossed everyone! :)

Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Stitching!


  1. You did an excellent job of getting the mark out, that's for sure!

    1. Thanks Keebles, I scrubbed the life out of it. I figured I had to get that stain out or I would have to throw the whole thing out. Thankfully my stitches held up well.

  2. That was a close call! I'm so happy for you that you were able to remove the stain!
    Great new start, love the fabric!

    1. Thanks Annie! I was pretty sure it wasn't going to come out but that orvus paste worked wonderfully!

  3. Oh MY!! I would have had a heart attack! I am amazed at how well it came out, I can not see it at all. Beautiful stitching by the way! I had to click the link to see the new start and now.....I have more on my wish/todo list!! Thanks LOL

    1. Thanks Bridge! I was pretty upset thinking I was going to have to throw the whole thing away. I was really amazed at how well the orvus paste worked. I will definitely be keeping that on hand for emergencies! Happy I could add to your wishlist haha! Let me know if you start it!

  4. So glad you got the marker out! I would have panicked and probably gave up on that one.

    Great new start. Just what you neefed.

    1. Thanks Sarah! I was ready to just throw it out but I thought I might as well try to wash it, what did I have to lose. Thankfully I was lucky this time!

  5. I have a three year old and I would have been panicking. Also, love the freebie. May just have to be something I stitch.

    1. Isn't it cute?! I can't wait to find some more time in my rotation to fit it in.

      And there was definitely some panicking going on haha. I was sure I was going to have to throw the whole thing out!
