Thursday, January 19, 2017

Quiet days

Hi guys!

Not much going on here, I look after my nephew a day or two a week and then I had another nephew one day this week so there hasn't been too much excitement here.  Just lots of baby snuggles, which I love!

Here is my progress on The Gift by Blackberry Lane.  

And I am so excited to say I am half way finished of ABC's of Parenting by LizzieKate!

I hope you all are warm where it is cold and cool where it is warm.

Happy Stitching!


  1. I don't know where I get the energy some days. Ha! I can't wait to see them finished too! These 2 are fun to stitch so I am enjoying the process :)

  2. You have made decent progress even with all the baby sitting.

    1. Thanks Mini! I am lucky that they are good nappers!
