Hello again!
I have been reading others 2017 plans/goals and have been enjoying them so I thought maybe you all would enjoy reading my plans/goals.
First off is my
Advent Animals by Brooke's Books. I completed 12 in 2016 and plan to stitch another 12 in 2017. There are 25 all together so it would be the icing on the cake if I stitched all 13 this year.
Next up, I joined a Christmas Ornament SAL last year and you choose an ornament to stitch according to the theme for the month. I was finding by the end of the year that it was becoming a chore to stitch 2 ornaments each month (with the advent animal ornament), so this year (and I hope I am not breaking too many rules) I am going to stitch
ABC Christmas by Lizzie Kate. I had a look and there is a word on it to fit each theme, so I will still be able to belong to the SAL and I am sure 1 word a month isn't too much for me.
For my new year, new start I am going to start Halloween Rules by Lizzie Kate. I am going to start it on January 1st but I don't know if I will get any further with it until I finish ABC's of Parenting and ABC Christmas. I kinda made a rule a while back that I can only have 1 wip per designer going at once so if I finish up the other 2 I will put all my time into it.
I would like to get at least 1 more block done this year.
I have one month finished on
The Joyful World by The Snowflower Diaries and would like to get 1 more month stitched
Now on to my full coverage pieces, I am going to start from oldest to newest
Draft Horses - where I left off
I would like to put in at least 1 stitch on this. Not very ambitious with this one.
I would love to get another page finish on this
I will be stitching on this one this month for at least a day so I am pretty confident I can get a page finish on this one sometime this year.
I would be happy with a page finish on this one
And last but not least is
Hannah Lynn which left off here
I would love to manage another page finish but with the diagonal columns getting so long I would be happy with 2 diagonal columns.
I will also be starting a Mirabilia in March,
Mermaid of the Pearls. I will be happy with any progress I make on it. I also want to stitch the new freebie from
Blackwork Journey called Sublime Stitches but that will only happen if I somehow manage to finish Save the Stitches, so probably not.
I hope you all enjoyed reading my goals for the year.
Happy Stitching!