I am working on the 3rd snowman. I am really enjoying stitching these snowmen. I also don't usually use a hoop but so much material I am finding it hard to hold it all bunched up in my hand. I think I am going to have a look around for some Qsnaps and try them out. I have never used them but I don't like what the hoop does to any stitches that get caught underneath the ring, and the Qsnap looks like it would be quite a bit gentler on the stitches.
Below is one of my resourceful ideas. My boyfriend said "Is that a chip clip?!?" Yes, yes it is, and actually it works great. It holds the pattern perfectly and while I am sure there are official pattern holders out there, I don't know if they would work this good. Haha!
*I had to delete the last photo because I posted a photo of the chip clip holding the actual pattern. Where was my head?!? My camera is on the charger right now but I will repost a picture without the pattern when I get a chance